Ultimate Gifts for Him - AJ Paris Travel Magazine

Because your man deserves the best, we created a guide to the ultimate gifts for him!

Since the calendar gives us a chance to give him gifts every so often, the best way to approach this is to think of it in a broader sense.

For example, what are the experiences you want to give your man throughout the year?

In other words, you know his birthday, your anniversary, Valentine’s Day, and Christmas are your major gifting moments.

What do you want to say in each of those situations that can also help you with your overall annual relationship maintenance?

Yes, yes, we know it is tricky!

So, here are your ultimate gifts for him tips and ideas.

Birthday Gifts for Him

Ultimate Gifts for Him - Birthday - AJ Paris Travel

Let’s start with his birthday!

Because it is his birthday, you want to give him a gift that is meaningful for him or something that he will use it alone and/or on his own.

For example, a subscription to ESPN+ is really for him, if he knows you’re not into sports.

Likewise, season tickets to his favorite team is definitely going to get him excited.

Meanwhile, keep in mind that your man doesn’t necessarily want you to spend too much on him.

For instance, a nice trip to the beach and sending him a picture of a “Happy Birthday” you drew on the sand will make him feel very special!

Of course, it is the same with dressing up extra special for him that night. Maybe you wear his favorite lingerie.

Look, it is about him!

Valentine’s Day Gifts

Ultimate Gifts for Him - Valentine's Day - AJ Paris Travel

Because men and women think differently, what gets your man in the “romantic” mood is different than what works for you.

As a result, it is important to give him what he actually wants.

For example, men love their boxers instead of revealing underwear.

So, even thought it might be the case that you would enjoy it more to see him in a “sexy” underwear, he might feel a lot sexier in boxers!

In another example, even though a romantic dinner at a restaurant might sound very romantic to you, he might feel it is a lot more romantic to spend the evening with you in bed!

In other words, think from the man’s point of view.

Of course, because it is a romantic holiday you do want it to be an intimate gift. As such, a set of colorful boxers are great because they are intimate!

Therefore, don’t buy him things his mother or sister can buy him.

“Would this be appropriate if his mother or sister got him?” should be the question you ask yourself, as you shop for it.

Get him something romantic!

Father’s Day Best Gifts

Ultimate Gifts for Him - Father's Day - AJ Paris Travel

Father’s are the best.

So, a Father’s Day gift must be a thoughtful gift, as it is a commentary on his life as a father.

“But that is not my intention!” you might protest.

That is how men see it.

So, you might as well get to it.

A gift for a father should include something about the child.

For example, if this is a gift to your husband or the father of your children, a nicely framed photo of him and the child or children will do the trick!

Therefore, consider taking a picture of him and the kid or kids and then taking that picture to an artist who can then draw or paint a replica.

Oh, it will mean so much to him!

Meanwhile, if you don’t want all that trouble, then consider giving him a gift certificate or a ticket to an event where he and the kid or kids can enjoy together!

So, whether he is your father, the father of your children, or your brother, a Father’s Day is a day about fathers and that means a lot to all of us, but it doesn’t have to be extra crazy.

In other words, when it comes to fathers, the simpler the gift the more meaningful it can have!

Labor Day Gifts

Ultimate Gifts for Him - Labor Day - AJ Paris Travel

If your man is the breadwinner of the family, then Labor Day Gifts are so appropriate.

Of course, if you have male employees then it is also appropriate.

Regardless, when it comes to Labor Day Gifts, think of it as a “Thank You” gift, as that will help you with your shopping ideas.

So, consider getting a card, for instance, especially one that has a lot of empty space for you to spell out why you want to thank this man.

Meanwhile, if you want to spend a little more, then get him a tee shirt that says what it is you’re thanking him for.

For example, if he is the breadwinner, you might say something like “Best Husband Ever,” whereas a tee that says “Best Employee Ever” will work for your favorite employee.

Get creative!

Christmas Gifts

Ultimate Gifts for Him - Christmas - AJ Paris Travel

Holidays are the best time of the year, and mostly because we get and give tons of gifts!

So, when it comes to your man, the best gifts are “Christmas” oriented.

What does that mean?

Think of a gift he will enjoy.

In other words, the sky is the limit.

One great gift is getting him something like a scented candle. If you know he loves french vanilla ice cream or hazelnut flavored coffee creamer, then your work is cut out for you.

On the other hand, the gift ought to be festive! Don’t get him the same old boring candles he can find anytime of the year.

Likewise, this is a time of the year when you can get him a nice cologne that he likes.

A good way to find out what he likes that he doesn’t even know he likes is to get samples throughout the year. You know, those little perfume bottles they give you at the department stores.

“Honey, what do you think of this scent?” should you be the question you ask throughout the year!

Therefore, with a Christmas gift you have a lot to choose from.

Anniversary Gifts

Ultimate Gifts for Him - Anniversary - AJ Paris Travel

For some women, anniversary gifts can seem complicated.

After all, you feel like you’re two completely ‘different’ people, as he is a man and you’re a woman.

However, it can be a very cool gifting situation if you think of it from an “us” point of view.

For example, why not consider getting an “His and Her’s” matching shirts?

Hey, it makes Saturday morning a lot more fun!

Meanwhile, this is also a situation in which you should consider giving him something that he uses daily.

For instance, giving him a nice watch that you know he will feel “cool” wearing, as it will guarantee he will think often of you and your relationship!

Likewise, giving him the latest phone could also do the trick.

Think outside of the box with this one!


Because the men in our lives are important to us, it is important to let them know that by giving them special and thoughtful gifts throughout the year.

As a result, don’t think of a particular gift occasion, but think of the entire year as a unit.

For instance, if you’re a woman that happens to be in a relationship with a man who has trust issues, this is something you can incorporate into your gifting ideas throughout the year!

Let your gifts build up your man as the months go by.

Finally, check out Esquire, the men’s magazine, and their guide to giving gifts to the man who has everything, as it will give you some ideas!

Lena Wilson is a fashion writer for Caravanzers.