Spring travel planner for tourists to the United States, including popular holidays and schedule, as well as to help you strategize.
Spring has a lot to offer to the tourist to the United States, so let’s get a spring travel planner.
Because of the many activities, some would argue that spring is the season to visit the US.
For example, major holidays like Easter and Mother’s Day take place during the spring season.
Meanwhile, there are exciting holidays like Saint Patrick’s Day, as well as somber ones like Memorial Day.
Therefore, you want to really understand the importance of these holidays, as they can affect your travel dates.
St. Patrick’s Day

You could say this is an event that actually takes place just before the spring.
Because Saint Patrick’s Day is on March 17, many people don’t include it in their spring planning.
However, Saint Patrick’s Day really does have a spring feel to it, especially if you’re in the warmer states!
So, Saint Patrick’s Day celebrates the life and work of Saint Patrick, the patron saint of Ireland.
As a result, this is a very Irish holiday that has taken a national prominence.
In reality, the man was British and was taken hostage by Irish pirates to Ireland, where he was enslaved.
Needless to say, he rose to the spiritual ranks to become the country’s foremost saint.
Irish immigrants to the United States popularized the holiday, especially in the northeastern part of the country.
Today, this fun holiday is observed across the country with wearing green, drinking beer, and enjoying life.
“The best beer, of course, is a green one,” says Nina Walker, our food writer. “Likewise, don’t forget to enjoy it with Irish nachos!”
In some cities, there is a parade to celebrate the day, and bars see more activity than average.
“Of course, many people refer to the holiday as St. Patty’s Day,” says Walker. “It kind of cheapens it, though,” she adds.
Meanwhile, there is a spiritual aspect to it, too, as this is a Catholic Feast Day to celebrate its saint.
Happy Saint Patrick’s Day!
Green Beer Recipe
Nina Walker, our food writer, says one must enjoy Saint Patrick’s Day with green beer. Of course, it is easy to do it. So, follow this simple recipe.
Ingredients: Light Beer; Green Food Coloring; and Lime.
Method: Pour the beer into a bowl. Add as much green food coloring as required to make it the way you like it. Pour the beer into beer glasses and top it off with a piece of lime. Done.
SPD Travel Questions
So, because a lot of travelers wonder about Saint Patrick’s Day and travel, and we decided to answer them.
When is St. Patrick’s Day in the US?
Saint Patrick’s Day falls on March 17, which people believe is the date of the day he died.
Is St. Patrick’s Day a good time to travel to the US?
Yes. If you are not Irish from Ireland, you want to enjoy what the day signifies for this community! Saint Patrick’s Day is so much more than the saint because it is also a celebration of Ireland itself! For example, if you happen to be in New York City during this period, you will be able to partake in a parade.
Is Saint Patrick’s a big travel day?
No, it is not a big travel day, especially air travel. Because this is a community celebration, people tend to hang out in their local areas. For instance, if there is a parade in the city or a nearby city, then people will go. However, it is not a day where people travel far.

Easter is a significant holiday, takes place somewhere between March 22 and April 25.
Because the US is a predominantly Christian society, this is a major holiday.
“Easter celebrates the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead,” says Father John, an American priest. “And, therefore, it means the whole week is important and not just Easter Sunday,” he adds.
So, the Holy Week starts with Palm Sunday, which is the Sunday before.
“Palm Sunday commemorates the triumphal entry of Jesus into Jerusalem,” explains Father John.
Later in the week, Christians celebrate that Thursday, which is called Maundy Thursday.
Maundy Thursday commemorates the Last Supper, the final meal that Jesus had with his disciples, explains Father John.
Then it is Good Friday, which commemorates the crucifixion of Jesus when the Romans killed the Jewish man.
After that, Christians celebrate Holy Saturday, which has a rite known as Easter Virgil.
“Easter Virgil is when people are baptized, as well as receive their formal initiation,” explains Father John.
So, as you can see, this is a busy week.
“Easter is also a time to make colored eggs and play games,” says Nina Walker, our food writer.
Egg hunt is a popular Easter game, where the decorated eggs are hidden, and the collectors win prizes.
“Of course, the rabbit hides the eggs,” explains Walker.
So, plan your Easter holidays in the United States wisely!
Happy Easter!
Easter Travel Questions
A lot of travelers ask questions about the holiday, and we decided to answer them.
When is Easter in the US?
Easter in the US, like most of the West, is determined by a strange combination. So, Easter is the first Sunday after the Full Moon on or after the spring equinox. As a result, the date shifts. For example, in 2018, it was on April 1. However, in 1998, it was April 12! Meanwhile, it was on March 31, in 1918. In other words, it depends!
Is Easter a good time to travel to the US?
Yes. Easter in the US is different from Easter in many other countries. So, it is an excellent time to travel and learn a new tradition or experience American Easter traditions in person!
Is Easter a big travel day?
Yes, it can be a hectic day for travel. A lot of family members are already home, but sometimes there is that one family member who couldn’t make it. Generally, it is the father or mother who has been on a work trip that hadn’t been back on time. So, yeah, there are a lot of folks traveling that day.
Mother’s Day

For many, the most important date of spring is Mother’s Day.
“Mother’s Day is the time when sisters and brother’s come together with Mothers in mind,” writes Demita Williams, the author of Seeds in the Garden, in a poem. “It’s a day for Mother’s to rest (and) for children to be considerate and not be a pest.”
Mother’s Day in the United States takes place on the second Sunday in May.
So, what characterizes Mother’s Day?
“In my house, it’s a breakfast in bed for me,” says Nina Walker, our food mother, a mother. “I enjoy every bite of it,” she adds. “But I also look forward to the flowers that my husband gives me.”
Meanwhile, Mother’s Day is a holiday that is not for a particular group, as most Americans have a mother.
As a result, it is a busy day for travel, as Mother’s Day Weekend Trip is a thing!
“My kids and I take my wife out for the weekend,” says Eddie, a New Yorker. “We usually go somewhere nearby,” he added. “I leave work early on Friday, and we drive out.”
Eddie says they have been to nearby states like New Jersey, Connecticut, and even Vermont.
As a result, make sure to plan your trip ahead of time. If you’re coming into a major city for that weekend, you must take this holiday into consideration.
For example, if you’re going into New York, Los Angeles, or Chicago, get your hotels at least several weeks in advance.
A Mother’s Day Story
It is very early on Mother’s Day, and Nancy and her husband are woken by her kids.
“Good morning,” she says to them, wiping her eyes.
“Surprise!” the kids say in unison.
They hand her an envelope.
“What’s this?” asks Nancy, as she opens the envelope to reveals a Gift Certificate. “Oh, my goodness,” she says when she sees that it is for $250.
“The kids have been saving up their allowance,” says her husband.
Nancy is in tears and hugs her kids.
Later, the family enjoys breakfast together, and mom is not allowed to touch anything.
Instead, it is the father and the kids who make it.
They make pancakes, eggs, and sausage and served with orange juice—Nancy’s favorite breakfast since she was a little girl.
“Oh, thank you,” says Nancy, as she takes a bite of the food.
Later, the family drives down to a farm, owned by Nancy’s parents. They spend the day at the farm, with the kids running around all day. Nancy and her husband get a chance to catch up with Nancy’s parents.
In the evening, the family drives back to their house after dinner.
“This was the best Mother’s Day ever,” says Nancy.
For millions of moms across the United States, scenes like these are typical of Mother’s Day.
Because the holiday is all centered around one family member, it is a special time to do activities together.
As a traveler, the best way to experience is to hang out with an American family!
Happy Mother’s Day!
Mother’s Day Travel Questions
So, since a lot of travelers ask questions about American holidays, we decided to give you some answers about Mother’s Day.
When is Mother’s Day in the US?
Mother’s Day is celebrated in the United States on the second Sunday in May. Of course, Mother’s Day is celebrated at different dates in different countries. For example, in the United Kingdom, mothers are celebrated on the fourth Sunday in Lent. So, we understand the confusion. In the US, Mother’s Day has been celebrated since 1908.
Is Mother’s Day a good time to travel to the US?
Yes. As previously noted, Mother’s Day is celebrated differently around the world. For example, Mother’s Day is on March 8 in most of the Eastern European countries. This is still a freezing time, as it is still in the winter season. As a result, festivities are winter-ish in nature. On the other hand, in the United States, it takes more spring, as flowers are a huge part of the holiday. So, yes, it is nice to experience Mother’s Day in the US.
Is Mother’s Day a big travel day?
Yes and no. Of course, as previously noted, many people travel for Mother’s Day. However, it tends to be local travel. Generally speaking, Americans don’t travel far to go celebrate Mother’s Day with their mothers, as they usually will spend Christmas holidays at home. On the other hand, land travel might be busy!
Memorial Day

Memorial Day is an important holiday in the United States, taking place on the last Monday of May.
Because it is a day to remember service members who have died while serving, it tends to be a very emotional day for some.
“My brother was killed in Vietnam,” says Jennifer, a Californian woman. “To this day, my mother has never gotten over it,” she says. “My mother is 91 this year, and she is still teary-eyed every year.”
Jennifer says she and mother used to go to the graveside, but they no longer do so, as her mother is frail these days.
“But I know my mother would love to do it,” she says. “So, I have been taking pictures and videos of the grave and share it with her on the day.”
Last year, Jennifer made a video compilation of a visit to her brother’s grave. Then she edited her mother into the video.
“It made my mother cry, happy tears,” says Jennifer.
For family members who lost a loved one, this is truly a memorial day.
Meanwhile, the whole country has an aura of patriotism during the day, including displaying flags.
So, because it is a huge holiday, it has major consequences on the travel industry.
According to the American Automobile Association, nearly 50 million Americans travel for the holiday.
In fact, the entire weekend is jam-packed!
As a result, it is one of the top travel times of the year.
Therefore, if you plan to visit during this holiday, make sure to book your trip several months in advance.
A Memorial Day Story
It is the afternoon of the Thursday before Memorial Day, and Lamar and three friends are getting ready to drive.
They are traveling from Mobile, Alabama.
“Let’s get this show on the road,” says Lamar, as he drives off.
Lamar and his friends are all in their 20s.
So, these young African American men are on their way to Miami.
It will take around 10 hours to reach Miami.
They will cross toll roads.
Because Mobile is in the Central Daylight Time, they will even cross time zones, as Miami is in the Eastern Standard Time.
“We are going to have lots of fun,” says Lamar.
Late night on Thursday, they check into their hotel.
They will spend time at the beach, will meet girls at the parties, and will end up partying every night until Tuesday.
“We love our time in Miami,” says Lamar, who says he and his friends have been going out since they were teenagers. “Miami is wild, and we love it!”
Every year, thousands of young people descend upon the Miami area—partying like it is no one’s business.
Lamar and his friends have tons of laughter, alcohol, and sex over the weekend.
It truly is a wild weekend for them.
In other words, Memorial Day is also a time for people to enjoy the long weekend and have fun.
It is not just about remembering the dead.
Meanwhile, make sure to check your destination, as different parts of the country have different experiences.
Have a safe Memorial Day!
Memorial Day Travel Questions
Because it is a top American holiday, we wanted to give you answers to the following common questions.
When is Memorial Day in the US?
Memorial Day takes place on the last Monday of May.
Is Memorial Day a good time to travel to the US?
Yes. Like the 4th of July, Memorial Day is a time of American patriotism. As a result, a non-American would get to see Americans in their “full glory,” so to speak. This is especially the case if you’re visiting Red States or traditionally Republican States. These states include popular travel sites like Florida, Texas, and Arizona.
Is Memorial Day a big travel day?
Yes. It is one of the busiest weekends for the travel industry, as nearly 50 million Americans travel sometime during the weekend. Although most travel is within the United States, it is still a bustling air, land, and water travel! There are specific destinations like Miami, which are a nightmare! So, plan ahead!
Spring is a popular season for travel in the United States, both for citizens and foreigners alike.
Because of the several holidays in the season, it can be confusing for travelers to this popular destination.
As a result, we created this article to assist you in navigating your American spring travel.
So, spring has significant holidays such as Easter and Mother’s Day. Whereas Easter is an important religious holiday for most Christian Americans, Mother’s Day is a day shared by all.
Meanwhile, there are the cool of Saint Patrick’s Day and somber Memorial Day as well in the season.
As you learned in this article, Memorial Day is one of the busiest holidays in the United States.
Therefore, make sure your spring travel planner includes a serious consideration of the season’s holidays.
AJ Paris is a travel photographer based in New York. He is the editor of Caravanzers.