Halloween Ideas - AJ Paris TRAVEL

Halloween Ideas

Halloween ideas are all around us, because this is a big holiday. So, even going to store will definitely get you to come into contact with all things Halloween from September forward! Therefore, this article is for those of you who want to think outside the box while still playing along. Meanwhile, we do want…

Hostel Etiquette - AJ Paris TRAVEL

Hostel Etiquette

Because hotels tend to be so expensive, especially during the “high” season when travelers are traveling more than normal, hostels are great option! On the other hand, hosteling means sharing spaces with people. For instance, sometimes you can rent your own room but you might share the bathroom with others. However, more than likely you…

Bondi Beach Graffiti - AJ Paris TRAVEL

Bondi Beach Graffiti

Bondi Beach Graffiti! Certainly, Bondi Beach is known the world over as a cool beach to go hang out, swim, or surf, but did you know there is an amazing graffiti wall, which features local artists and is frequently updated? Emma Carey, an artist known for her detailed pieces, including ‘The World in Detail,’ told…

Christmas Around the World - AJ Paris Travel

Christmas Around the World

‘Christmas Around the World’ is part of our Festival section. If you ever have the chance to be part of celebrations of Christmas around the world, you will have an unforgettable experience! Christmas, which celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ, is important to the nearly 3 billion people on this planet who are believers. Whether…

Business Travel Luggage - The Very Best - AJ Paris Travel

Business Travel Luggage

Business Travel Luggage is part of our Business Travel. For more, Click Here. “I’m so sorry, Sir,” said the young woman at the gate counter, “I don’t think we have any more room.” After that, she proceeded to tell the business man that his luggage was too bulky. Because the flight was full, she told…